Monday, October 4, 2010

My Soldier

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Limbaugh and BP

I wonder how long it will take the Vietnam draft dodging chicken hawk, elRushbo, to turn the tide into BP's favor. Rush will have his listeners believe (most already do) that BP, Hallburton, and Trans Ocean have done no wrong. It is all the regulators at the MMS and they are living proof gob'mint don't work.

More on this later.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

On David Frum’s Departure from AEI - Charles Murray - The Corner on National Review Online

On David Frum’s Departure from AEI - Charles Murray - The Corner on National Review Online

I thought this article gave a good example of what a thinker at a think tank does. You have to read down to about the half way point and then it gets into it. The article is somewhat of a pissing match between two AEI thinkers, but it does give a good picture of what these guys do for a good bit of cash.

Sit around and think stuff up that supports the donors beliefs. I could do that!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Noun - A Glenn Beck follower.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Party Crashers

It is apparent that a couple wannabes crashed the state dinner the other night. And it got me to wondering how it was that a little old lady was tossed by the SS at a GWB campaign appearance for wearing a tee shirt expressing an opposing view and this unauthorized couple gets in to shake hands with the Prez? How exactly is that? Hell, nut jobs show up when the Prez has an appearance with a gun holstered and the SS ain't got a problem with it. Sheesz!

Local Paper

I thought it would be a little bit of fun and a learning process to spend some time posting on the local newspaper site... it was not very enlightening. No wonder this town can' t keep up with its neighbors. This place is a "just say no" village. Didn't we find out that that does not work (think abstinence, drug abuse.) Always the same old guys arguing the same old shit. In a word... boring. Especially the guy with the user image of a white guy with more makeup on than most homosexuals would wear on a Saturday night on the town. Nothing against homosexuals... I'm just saying.

Plus I don't have to look at all that horrible spelling and grammer. Mine is bad enough.

My Blog

Let it fly dipshits. And I promise more to piss you off if you return.

As your hero, the smirking chimp (for those of you in fly over country that would be George W. Bush) said "bring em on."