Monday, April 27, 2009

talking heads

a true accountability-free profession... establishment punditry! peggy noonan, rush, sean, bortz, malkin, reynolds (a great parody of his stuff is on a blog, instaputz, that makes fun of his blog, instapundit), dr. helen (instaputz's wife), o'reilly (comes up orally when spell checked, thats funny), barnes, broder, coulter, most that open their mouth on fox news, gibson, stephanopolous, hume, kristol, andrea "wed to the fed and does not disclose" mitchell, and of course, george will. i know your looking for olberman here but we are talking about accountability not whether or not you agree with him and stewart and colbert are comediens, they admit it and do not plug their show as real news. i think it would be hard to find a flat out lie from him or a mistake he has not admitted to. the aforementioned just talk shit and think its reasonable commentary.

Thanks to Glen Greenwald at for the article.

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