Monday, January 12, 2009

TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Fox's McCarver, Buck, Aikman Got US Marshals Escort From Games

My God, the sheer hypocrisy of these people. Imagine if the US Marshall's escorted Kieth Olberman to a baseball, or football game, the howling you would hear from Hannity and the boys at Fox "News" and Rush Limbaugh. And if you think about it, Olberman would need the protection cause he rags on the Fox "News" guys and Rush nightly. You would think that since FOX is number 1 in the ratings they would have the money to provide protection from the MARKET forces they so believe in. Or, maybe that is how I should have framed this post... more evidence the right does not truly believe in the free-market system.

TPMMuckraker Talking Points Memo Fox's McCarver, Buck, Aikman Got US Marshals Escort From Games: "Baseball may be our national pastime -- and football our real national game -- but that doesn't mean taxpayers should be paying to make it easier for Fox Sports' announcer team to get away from the stadium more easily."

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