Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bush Lies, Media Swallows

This article, from November 2002, attempts to explain why the press so earnestly shied away from President Bush's lies. What struck me was that for most of his time in office, if a reporter or opinion writer attempted to shed light or mildly criticize any aspect of anything this administration did, would immediately be shouted down by the right wing pundits. Any attempt to bring light or expose anything and you would be branded a traitor. And, as the article shows, just about all of the reasons we sent over 4,000 service men and women to their deaths, was a lie. When a Republican says it, you can be sure its probably bull shit. I particularly like the statement "three quarters of Americans surveyed think Saddam is currently helping Al Qaeda; 71 percent think it is likely he was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks", if you are a current Fox News fan you probably still believe this.

Bush Lies, Media Swallows: "George W. Bush does not lie about sex, I suppose--merely about war and peace. Most particularly he has consistently lied about Iraq's nuclear capabilities as well as its missile-delivery capabilities. Take a look at Milbank's gingerly worded page-one October 22 Post story if you doubt me. To cite just two particularly egregious examples, Bush tried to frighten Americans by claiming that Iraq possesses a fleet of unmanned aircraft that could be used 'for missions targeting the United States.' Previously he insisted that a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed the Iraqis to be 'six months away from developing a weapon.' Both of these statements are false, but they are working. Nearly three-quarters of Americans surveyed think that Saddam is currently helping Al Qaeda; 71 percent think it is likely he was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks."

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