Friday, February 6, 2009

Stinque » GOP Brain-Trust University’s Law School Dean Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Abuse#more-4252

This is where the Department of Justice under George W. Bush got their Lawyers from.

Stinque » GOP Brain-Trust University’s Law School Dean Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Abuse#more-4252: "Regent University is the heart and soul of the GOP intellectual brain trust, a center of psuedo-learning that emphasizes savage racism, xenophobism, hatred of homosexuals, fear of non-Jeebus-crazed religions and advocates the overthrow of secular government in America and transformation of the nation into a medieval theocracy of the sort that would make Iran look like West Hollywood.
Founded by Christian Coalition founding psychopath, evangelist and failed presidential candidate Pat Robertson, Regent University sent bus loads of its graduates into the Department of Justice and other federal ministries during the Bush administration, most often in appointed roles but some taking on permanent civil servant mandarin positions where they still lie in wait, theocratic suicide bombers ready to spring into action to do their part to reduce America to a cult of Jesus."

This is the Dean of said Law School. A perverted Rush Limbaugh listener.

Stephen L. McPherson, 39, Regent University law school’s assistant dean pleaded guilty earlier this month for two counts of indecent acts on little girls.

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