Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Raw Story | Missing Iraq billions could be 'greatest fraud in US history'

This should be mandatory reading for every Bush apologist out there. Hannity thinks Obama is wasting money! Bull shit. Billions missing and yet not a peep out of Rush, Sean and the boys.

The Raw Story Missing Iraq billions could be 'greatest fraud in US history': "''Hard Lessons,' a draft of which was leaked to the news media in December, concludes that the U.S. reconstruction effort in Iraq was a failure, largely because there was no overall strategy behind it,' reported the Washington Post. 'Goals shifted from 'liberation' and an early military exit to massive, ill-conceived and expensive building projects under the Coalition Provisional Authority of 2003 and 2004. Many of those projects -- over budget, poorly executed or, often, barely begun -- were abandoned as security worsened."

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