Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Noun - A Glenn Beck follower.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Party Crashers

It is apparent that a couple wannabes crashed the state dinner the other night. And it got me to wondering how it was that a little old lady was tossed by the SS at a GWB campaign appearance for wearing a tee shirt expressing an opposing view and this unauthorized couple gets in to shake hands with the Prez? How exactly is that? Hell, nut jobs show up when the Prez has an appearance with a gun holstered and the SS ain't got a problem with it. Sheesz!

Local Paper

I thought it would be a little bit of fun and a learning process to spend some time posting on the local newspaper site... it was not very enlightening. No wonder this town can' t keep up with its neighbors. This place is a "just say no" village. Didn't we find out that that does not work (think abstinence, drug abuse.) Always the same old guys arguing the same old shit. In a word... boring. Especially the guy with the user image of a white guy with more makeup on than most homosexuals would wear on a Saturday night on the town. Nothing against homosexuals... I'm just saying.

Plus I don't have to look at all that horrible spelling and grammer. Mine is bad enough.

My Blog

Let it fly dipshits. And I promise more to piss you off if you return.

As your hero, the smirking chimp (for those of you in fly over country that would be George W. Bush) said "bring em on."

Blondes Will Drive You Crazy

I don't care how much money you have, how popular you are in the world, or how great your golf game is... if you are married to a blonde, you do this kind of shit at some point.

"The patrol said alcohol was not involved, although the accident remains under investigation and charges could be filed.
Left unanswered was where Woods was going at that hour. Greenspan and agent Mark Steinberg said there would be no comment beyond the short statement of the accident posted on Woods’ Web site.
Saylor said his responding officers did not hear anything about an alleged argument between Woods and his wife."

But usually life is very good. Very, very good. No shit good!

Thanks to for the reporting.

Another in the Long Grey Line of Republican Hipocrits

John Bolton, George W. Bush's choice for the U. N.: "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy."

Who did? I guess if you are a Yale Law student you didn't have to worry about such.

This is a guy that has pounded President Obama on his "courage." How much courage did Bolton have when his country wanted him to kill a commie for his mommy... non. Like the draft dodging hero of the GOP, elRushbo, and the little Dick "5 time draft deferment" Cheney, he felt like he was to good to join the troops in Vietnam.

More Fakery from Republicans

Carrie Prejean has fake boobs... you just had to know it!

All the Republicans do is lie. Even with their bodies.

I've Been Away A While

I have not been able to post for some time and am now back (I hope.) Republican hypocrisy is going to our interest for the next few weeks as there is so much fun to be had there.

For example, did you know that the next Mrs. Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, is on a bus tour promoting her ghost written book? But maybe, no! Actually she is either in a Beechcraft (twin prop) or a Gulfstream II (twin jet). Not much bus time available when your getting around in them big boogers. You may ask why this is an example of Republican hypocrisy, and that would be a good question. The reason is simply this is another example of Republicans saying one thing and doing another.

She wrote a book. No she didn't, her ghost writer did.
She is on a bus tour. No she isn't, she is on a freakin Gulfstream II Jet.

They can't help it. That's what they do. Lie.

Thanks to for the "bus tour" info.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Conservative Family Values

Another good God fearing (family values type) "conservative" evangelical Republican bites the dust. Man, his wife ain't gonna be pleased. From talkingpointsmemo.

Mean Mr. Mustard

I knew the bat-shit crazy right had run out of issues when they chose to hammer the Prez on his choice of Dijon mustard instead of the standard yellow mustard on his hamburger. You see, these folks just can't bring themselves to believe that a black man is actually running this country... they can't sleep at night and come up with all kinds of crazy things to accuse him of. He is a commie cause he chose Grey Poupon mustard. Then the fake uproar over a speech to school children, urging them to stay in school, to set goals. The villagers found all kinds of things wrong with that. In fact, the head of the Florida GOP got it all started when he said Prez was going to "indoctrinate" the children. This from a guy that heads the GOP in a state that ranks 42nd of all states on the college entrance test, the ACT. Ya just can't make this shit up.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Judge Samuel Kent Impeached By House

Another good god fearing conservative Republican pervert bites the big one.

Judge Samuel Kent Impeached By House

Monday, April 27, 2009


were back!

talking heads

a true accountability-free profession... establishment punditry! peggy noonan, rush, sean, bortz, malkin, reynolds (a great parody of his stuff is on a blog, instaputz, that makes fun of his blog, instapundit), dr. helen (instaputz's wife), o'reilly (comes up orally when spell checked, thats funny), barnes, broder, coulter, most that open their mouth on fox news, gibson, stephanopolous, hume, kristol, andrea "wed to the fed and does not disclose" mitchell, and of course, george will. i know your looking for olberman here but we are talking about accountability not whether or not you agree with him and stewart and colbert are comediens, they admit it and do not plug their show as real news. i think it would be hard to find a flat out lie from him or a mistake he has not admitted to. the aforementioned just talk shit and think its reasonable commentary.

Thanks to Glen Greenwald at for the article.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

GM boss to step down at White House request - Autos-

I remember when Rush was proud that US automakers pushed SUV's and Pick Ups with a Republican tax break to purchase. Go ahead, use the Limbaugh strategy to invest your 401k money in. You will loose, big time.

"GM has improved its cars in the last two years, critics say the company relied for too long on sales of pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles for its profits and was unprepared for a drastic market shift when gasoline prices hit $4 per gallon last year."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Geoffrey Dunn: Palin Pallin' Around with Scientologists: Todd & Sarah & John & Greta

I thought these folks had a problem with frivolous lawsuits. Here we have Sarah "the Slaughterers Daughter" Palin cavorting with a tort lawyer, in fact, he is advising her on her possible 2012 run for President.

"Coale has also played a central role in several major class action lawsuits, including those involving tobacco and Ritalin, as well as a suit against the FBI for its role in the Waco massacre. And during her divorce from Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley, yet another prominent damsel in distress, chose Coale as her attorney."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Unwed birth rate reaches all-time high in U.S. - Women's health-

This statistic, reported by the AP from a CDC 2007 study, shows just how ineffective the abstinence program the Bush Administration threw millions at, just to keep the unmoral, no more majority, happy and voting. I guess Rush will blame GWB for all those unwed mothers on welfare now, like he blamed Clinton for an unproven, increase in oral sex.

"Unwed birth rate reaches all-time high in U.S. The birth rate rose slightly for women of all ages, and births to unwed mothers reached an all-time high of about 40 percent, continuing a trend begun years ago. More than three-quarters of these women were 20 or older."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Limbaugh Censorship part II

Lets see how elRushbo makes fun of Rep. Ron Wyden so that his argument goes nowhere. The Limbaugh Censorship Theory works, just listen to his show to see how A - F, will come through. I'm thinking he will start with Wyden's lisp, but that's just me talkin', lets wait tomorrow and see what elRushbo actually says.

Limbaugh Censorship In Action

Laura Ingraham is a wonderful Limbaugh protege. She took Meghan to the woodshed quickly. This is how it works, you make a critical judgment about a Republican (in this case Ann Coultergeist) and one of the following occurs: A)Your physical appearance is attacked B)Your social position is attacked C)Your family is attacked D)Your Occupation is attacked E) You are associated in some manner with someone no matter how remote that has some defect F)All of the above. But you can be sure that the cause of A - F will not be addressed. Witness Laura Ingraham. Megan McMain had the audacity to question whether Ann Coultergeist is pushing the under 35 vote away from the GOP. Instead of a serious debate (the Pubes lost the House and Senate in 2006 and picked up the Presidency and more House and Senate seats in 2008, so it ain't like the question needs to be debated), Laura attacked Meghans weight. Since this little dust up Meghan has canceled further interviews (in particular Howard Kurtz on CNN). I give you the Limbaugh Censorship Theory.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gary Skoien, Former Cook County GOP Chair, Beaten By Wife After Being Found With Prostitutes: Police Report

Another good Evangelical Conservative Republican bites the dig one.

From the Huffington post "Gary Skoien, Former Cook County GOP Chair, Beaten By Wife After Being Found With Prostitutes: "The former chairman of the Cook County Republican Party denies he was with two prostitutes when his wife allegedly attacked him over the weekend.
Palatine Township GOP committeeman Gary Skoien (SKOY'-ehn) said Wednesday that two female friends were at his Inverness home around 1 a.m. Sunday when his wife assaulted him."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Most religious groups in USA have lost ground, survey finds -

Well, another indicator of just what the Republican Party of the past 30 years has done to the country. Yes, it has become less religious.

Most religious groups in USA have lost ground, survey finds - "The percentage. of people who call themselves in some way Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation. The faithful have scattered out of their traditional bases: The Bible Belt is less Baptist. The Rust Belt is less Catholic. And everywhere, more people are exploring spiritual frontiers — or falling off the faith map completely."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Going All John Galt

Screw that theory, I'm hoping to be way above $250,000 take home and pay the extra 2.5%. I pray it happens.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A New Axis

According to Charles M. Blow of the New York Times

"Who has surfaced as the saviors of the Republican Party? Bobby Jindal, Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh, otherwiseknown as the axis of drivel."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Limbaugh CPAC Quote

I took quote, from Rush, right off the Fox News Website. "Don't measure your success by how many people like you. Just worry about how they vote. And then at the end of the day how they live, but that's really none of your business once they close the doors. Thank you all very much. It's been great."

I have for a time wondered about el rushbo's interests, and I think it is here that we see that maybe he swings both way's. Notice that he claims its no ones business once the door is closed. Hmmmmmm. He has been married numerous times and I've yet to hear one of his exes relate any love lost. May be they have but it sure doesn't get much airtime.

Progressive Republicans?

According to Mike Lux "the Republican Party began as the party of radical reform. In the Big Change Moment of the 1860s, they abolished slavery, passed the three most far reaching progressive constitutional amendments in history outside of the Bill of Rights, made sure the freedoms of the Bill of Rights would be enforced in the states, gave away millions of acres of free land to poor people, started the land grant university system, and passed the nation's first progressive income tax. Although they increasingly became the party of big business in the years afterwards, Teddy Roosevelt brought them back some of their glory by breaking up big corporate trusts, establishing a national parks system, instituting food safety measures for the first time, and establishing other reforms of the progressive era."

The current crop of Republicans don't believe in any of that shit!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Get Your Doctorate

For less than $4,000 you to can get a Doctorate from a quality University. This is the University with alumnus such as Dr. Kent Hovind, currently a recipient of federal largese... he is in a Federal prison in South Carolina. Go here for your degree.

Charts and Graphs

Go here to take a look at what Rush and "conservatives" at CPAC want the economy to look like. This is a good picture of where W. and a Republican House and Senate took it.

Limbaugh's Speech

I think Tom Watson has the best description of Limbaugh I've ever read. Beautiful.

"Looking for all the world like the sweating floor manager on the late afternoon shift at Larry Flynt's Hustler Club in an unbuttoned shiny black shirt and undersized sport coat, Rush Limbaugh leaned his meaty hands on the lectern at the CPAC conference and slipped a greasy dollar bill into the G-string of the writhing conservative dead-enders packed into the garishly lit Omni Shoreham in Washington DC."

And this from David Frum (former speech writer for GWB).

"Rush is to the Republicanism of the 2000s what Jesse Jackson was to the Democratic party in the 1980s."

Think Progress » SURVEY: Daily Show/Colbert Viewers Most Knowledgable, Fox News Viewers Rank Lowest

Why does this not surprise me?

SURVEY: Daily Show/Colbert Viewers Most Knowledgable, Fox News Viewers Rank Lowest "A new study by the Pew Research Study shows that viewers of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report have the highest knowledge of national and international affairs, while Fox News viewers rank nearly dead last:"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Rush and CPAC

I think what may have happened here is that folks in the media no longer fear Rush. He made such an ass of himself that now it is easy for every day, run of the mill, reporters (yes the drive by media)to no longer fear him. He is stupid, he does not believe in the Constitution of the United States of America (he proved that by incorrectly quoting the document he "thrives" on, he wants failure so that his beliefs are a success. I thought that the true measure of success was what Rush so eloquently laid out... it would be successful because it was a good idea, not because someone would make it fail. Did he jump the shark? I guess we will see.

Krugman and the

Go here to have a view other than that of el rushbo and Larry "Larry" Kudlow.

Modern Conservative Mistakes

I thought this quote from Paul Krugman was pretty funny. It actually summed things up quite nicely. Modern Conservatives, that would include Rush Limbaugh, are wrong on just about everything.

“Reforms have made Iceland a Nordic tiger,” declared a paper from the Cato Institute. “How Ireland Became the Celtic Tiger” was the title of one Heritage Foundation article; “The Estonian Economic Miracle” was the title of another. All three nations are in deep crisis now."

Limbaugh Screws up the Declaration of Independence

You may remember when Sean Hannity first started his own program he would go out and ask high school kids to recite the preamble to the Constitution, of course they would get it wrong and Sean would go on a rant about socialistic education or some such shit. Well, what is Sean going to say about this. Here is Rush "$30 million a year" Limbaugh confusing the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence. Daily this guy goes on about the Constitution and his love for the document, you would think he knows what it says. But he doesn't, he doesn't even care what is in it.

"We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life. [Applause] Liberty, Freedom. [Applause] And the pursuit of happiness." Rush Limbaugh 2/28/2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Storm Hits D.C. During Global Warming Protest

This reminds me of the one foot in a bucket of boiling water and the other foot in a bucket of almost freezing water. Just how comfortable will your balls be in this situation. It doesn't make any sense.,2933,501064,00.html

Balloon Juice

Now thats a hell of a quote.

Balloon Juice: "Hammel said, “I would rather pay a little higher tax on a higher profit than a lower tax rate on lower profits.“"

Rush Limbaugh

Rush is the GOP and they should be loud and proud about it. Shout it from the roof tops.

Obama Declares War on Investors, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, And More - Money and Politics Blog -

According to Larry "what housing bubble" Kudlow. No, you should apologize, and help steer the country past what the last 25 years has turned into.

Obama Declares War on Investors, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, And More - Money and Politics Blog - "Well then, do conservatives dare say: We told you so?"

Koch Industries - SourceWatch

Are these the folks behind Rick Santelli's "rant". Maybe all this was planned and CNBC is as big a scammer as Bernie Madoff. The "Tea Party" stuff was coordinated with Santelli and CNBC by these folks (also the money behind CATO and a whole bunch of other right wing organizations). These "grass roots" organizations are really just astro turf... you know, fake.

Koch Industries - SourceWatch: "Koch Industries is the single largest oil company contributor to both Republican and Democratic candidates for Congress."

Think Progress » Limbaugh Defends Jindal, Warns Conservatives They Are ‘Making A Real Mistake If They Go After’ Him

Yep, he is the real deal. A liar. But that's what you have to be to get praise from Limbaugh, because that's what he is, a liar. Bobbies little anecdote about the sheriff turns out to be a lie.

Think Progress » Limbaugh Defends Jindal, Warns Conservatives They Are ‘Making A Real Mistake If They Go After’ Him: "LIMBAUGH: [T]he people on our side are really making a mistake if they go after Bobby Jindal on the basis of style. Because if you think — people on our side I’m talking to you — those of you who think Jindal was horrible, you think — in fact, I don’t ever want to hear from you ever again. … I’ve spoken to him numerous times, he’s brilliant. He’s the real deal."

Saturday, February 28, 2009

ABC News: Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers

I'm just saying, maybe Republicans are just a bunch of big ol' perverts. Yes, I'm sure that is the case.

ABC News: Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers: "However, there are some trends to be seen in the data. Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds."

Rush Limbaugh At CPAC: Doubles Down On Wanting Obama To Fail (VIDEO)

I registered as a Republican in 1978. I never, not one time wanted anyone to fail so that I could win. Wanting someone else to fail when you can't win on your own is an abject declaration of your own failure. I am now a proud liberal, independent of any party affiliation. Especially the Party of Rush "I want failure" Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh At CPAC: Doubles Down On Wanting Obama To Fail (VIDEO): "At his closing speech at the CPAC conference, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh doubled down on his widely-controversial claim that he wanted President Barack Obama to fail, insisting that he meant what he said, and chastising those who were critical of him."

Economy Shrinks At Staggering Rate -

After over 30 years of "conservative" governance, here we are, the worst economy in, almost 30 years. I can't wait to see what Joe Wurzlebacher and Sarah Palin have in store for the country.

Economy Shrinks At Staggering Rate - "The prospects for an economic recovery by year's end dimmed yesterday, as government data showed that the economy contracted at the end of 2008 by the fastest pace in a quarter-century."

Friday, February 27, 2009

Early Morning Shooting Kills 2 Injures 3 in Miramar Beach

Well there you go Rush, Sean, O'Reilly and all the rest of the right wing hate mongers. Some of the idiots that listen to your demagoguery actually take you serious and do what you imply needs to be done.

Early Morning Shooting Kills 2 Injures 3 in Miramar Beach: "Neighbor Crystal Lynn says 'he did come up to me one time and asked me if I was ready for the revolution to begin and if I had any immigrant in my house to get them out.'
The victims were foreign nationals who appear to have been working in the U.S. legally.
Investigators say, at the time of the shooting, there were at least 14 other people in the one unit with the victims...all of Hispanic descent."

Senate Votes To Ban Return Of Fairness Doctrine

This has had Rush's panties in a wad for years. Maybe he can untie the knot now and get something in his head (other Oxycontin) that will make him truly become the all knowable el rushbo. Cause he sure was wrong on this one. And, come to think of it, he was wrong about Hillary, SUV's, any and all prognostications about the stock market and just about everything else (see: Jindal, Bobby).

Senate Votes To Ban Return Of Fairness Doctrine: "WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Wednesday to bar federal regulators from reimposing a policy, abandoned two decades ago, that required balanced coverage of issues on public airwaves. The pre-emptive strike against the so-called Fairness Doctrine has been actively pushed by conservative radio talk show hosts who have warned that Democrats would seek to revive the policy to ensure that liberal opinions get equal time."

The Rush and Bobby Truth or Consequences Show

The day after Bobby Jindal's response to President Obama's address to the House and Senate, Rush was all over the radio telling conservatives not to pan Jindal's response because he "best articulates Rushes version" of conservatism. That's very true as we now know, the best way to articulate Rush's version is to lie. And lie about everything. So Bobby Jindal lied and got caught.

TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Jindal Admits Katrina Story Was False

When I first read this I thought, that's the end of Jindal's run with the GOP. But then again, It makes him that much more of a hero as the GOP loves a good liar. His points just went up.

TPMMuckraker Talking Points Memo Jindal Admits Katrina Story Was False: "This is no minor difference. Jindal's presence in Lee's office during the crisis itself was a key element of the story's intended appeal, putting him at the center of the action during the maelstrom. Just as important, Jindal implied that his support for the sheriff helped ensure the rescue went ahead. But it turns out Jindal wasn't there at the key moment, and played no role in making the rescue happen."

Conservatives Hit Dems Over “Tattoo Removal” Pork — But It’s An Anti-Crime Program! | The Plum Line

No, for Gods sake don't do anything that might help a criminal get a real job and stay off the streets.

Conservatives Hit Dems Over “Tattoo Removal” Pork — But It’s An Anti-Crime Program! The Plum Line: "But a little reporting reveals that that this “tattoo removal” program is an anti-crime program in the San Fernando Valley that re-integrates reformed gang members and makes it easier for them to find jobs. Two Los Angeles law enforcement officials I just spoke to — one who identified himself as a “conservative Republican” — swore by the program for reducing crime and saving lives."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crooks and Liars

This is good. I should also point out at this time, instead of discussing Al Qaeda, Rush Limbaugh daily discussed which direction Bill Clinton's dick hung. Left or right anyone?

Crooks and Liars: "It might also be worth recalling that Bill O'Reilly was one of the media talking heads who derided Bill Clinton's attacks on Al Qaeda in 1998-99 as simply 'wagging the dog' -- when in retrospect it's clear the strikes were fully warranted. It was media figures like O'Reilly, in fact, whose irresponsibility in the 1990s helped lull the public into complacency about the serious threat that terrorism posed."

Dick Cheney on Budget & Economy

For all that loved Little Dick and GWB, this is a reminder of their attitude toward budget deficits. If you supported them then, then you have no claim to bitch about deficits now. Not even the drug addict, Rush Limbaugh, complained about the deficits under GWB. Obama won, and like Little Dick and that true "conservative" Ronnie Reagan" he has decided deficits don't matter.

Dick Cheney on Budget & Economy: "O'Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion this fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. 'You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter,' he said, according to excerpts. Cheney continued: 'We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due.' A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Media Matters - Unhinged in 30 days: The right-wing media's Obama era implosion

It is astounding.

Media Matters - Unhinged in 30 days: The right-wing media's Obama era implosion: "It's astounding to watch the avalanche of hate ooze from conservative media quarters. And why? Because Obama passed an economic recovery bill. Good Lord, imagine if he had failed to win the popular vote and then led the country into a pre-emptive war based on faulty intelligence, a war that lost thousands of American lives, and tens of thousands of foreign lives, while milking the U.S. treasury out of a few trillion dollars in the process."

The Arena - Politico's daily debate with policymakers and opinion shapers |

What in the world was this guy smoking? In case Walter Dellinger needs some assistance on little Bobby's speech, he ought to call up the boys on Fox News, as they all thought it sucked. And they love the guy!

The Arena - Politico's daily debate with policymakers and opinion shapers "Bobby Jindal was terrific. His response is the most effective I can remember since Ed Muskie's fireside chat following Nixon's State of the Union in 1970. The staging was beautiful -- the old South governor's mansion with the big magnolia tree in front leading in to his slender young son of immigrants serving as Governor. He presented an alternative vision that was not mean sprited, but optimistic. Will this do for Jindal what the 2004 keynote speech did for Obama?"

Fla. talk show host sentenced on theft charges - News-

And yet another Evangelical Republican conservative bites the big one! Jeesh, are all these guys thieves and perverts? Is there a straight one out there? They either are on drugs, or male prostitutes like Rush and Haggert, or there stealing money like Madoff and this guy.

Fla. talk show host sentenced on theft charges - News- "Charles Scott McKinney, a native of Booneville , Miss. , pleaded guilty to multiple counts of theft and fraud last month. At his sentencing Tuesday, McKinney was also ordered to pay nearly $190,000 in restitution. Prosecutors say the Star Broadcasting commentator sold more than double the number of investment shares than existed in Southern Sports Tonight, a program he co-hosted on weekday afternoons."

'Liberal bias?' IU professors find network TV election coverage favors Republicans: IU News Room: Indiana University

Liberal bias? Bull shit! I have been saying for years that Rush and the boys claim it vehemently so that it beats down any opposition at all. In fact Rush even attacks the children of those that dare speak out against this phony "conservative". The jig is up. All they have now is the corporate media paying them to parrot their views, and they pay big tome to Hannity, Rush, Laura, and Bill.

'Liberal bias?' IU professors find network TV election coverage favors Republicans: IU News Room: Indiana University: "BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A visual analysis of television presidential campaign coverage from 1992 to 2004 suggests that the three television broadcast networks -- ABC, CBS and NBC -- favored Republicans in each election, according to two Indiana University professors in a new book."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey Rush and an 8 Year Old

Here you go Rush, another child you can take to the mat and make fun of on your national program and across the world on the Internet. I am positive she has something in her background you can exploit. I got $50.00 to the first person that hears it and responds.

GOP Governor: Congressional Leadership 'Inconsequential' (VIDEO)

I'm thinking this Republican Govenor doesn't pay much attention to O'reilly or Limbaugh.

GOP Governor: Congressional Leadership 'Inconsequential' (VIDEO): "'I don't even know the congressional leadership,' Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. told the paper's editors and reporters. 'I have not met them. I don't listen or read whatever it is they say because it is inconsequential -- completely.' Huntsman added that he would not reject any money from President Obama's stimulus. While he criticized what he saw as misdirected spending in bill, he said Republicans had no credibility on fiscal responsibility."

Monday, February 23, 2009

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

And Bobby Jindal is willing to turn down extended unemployment for Louisiana residents. No doubt the guy is running for President in 2012... of Iraq.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation: "Ink was provided by a fledgling Republican congressman from Louisiana near the entrance of the House chamber Wednesday night. On their way to hear President Bush's State of the Union address, many lawmakers — mostly Republicans — dipped a digit and thrust up a purple index finger. Purple ink pads awaited GOP senators when they reached the House floor. The salute to the voters in Sunday's Iraqi election was organized by Rep. Bobby Jindal ..."

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

I don't normally go to this site, but I could not help but notice the hypocrisy (I mean Republicanism) of this post, which is that it is OK to spend billions on Iraqi hospitals, schools, roads, bridges, public transportation (as if the towel headed fucks go anywhere except to blow up some other religion), retail stores, and any number of things, yes things, but Bobby Jindal is going to turn down 100 million cause his brown ass is going to run for President... Jeeesh. And the rest of the Pubes that supported the invasion (yes Rush and the rest of the chicken hawk chicken shits) have a problem with spending money to stave off the worst economic crisis since the depression is flabbergasting. And millions listen to these dick heads.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation: "Given conservative contempt for helping Americans out of the Bush Depression these last few weeks, that kind of Republican Party sounds incomprehensible. But it's not, and you don’t have to imagine it, they're already here, with one small catch: the nation is Iraq."

Little Green Footballs - Glenn Beck: The End is Nigh

When the right wing bloggosphere thinks Beck is over the top then... Beck IS over the top

Little Green Footballs - Glenn Beck: The End is Nigh: "Is it irresponsible for Fox News to be airing this over the top, creepy alarmist stuff during a financial crisis? Well, yeah, I think so. But then, I’ve pretty much stopped watching since it became the network of Mike Huckabee, Pat Buchanan, and all Hannity, all the time."

War Room -

This statement from Rush Limbaugh really affirms his real position, he doesn't give a shit about free speech, he believes in unfettered corporate control of the media. That's were the money is, and it is all about money and power.

War Room - "'You've said you're against reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, but you've not made it clear where you stand on possible regulatory efforts to impose so-called local content, diversity-of-ownership, and public-interest rules that your FCC could issue.'"

Montgomery Burns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rick Santelli's hero. Especially true sense Republicans long ago forgot the definition of a true hero.

Montgomery Burns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "He embodies a number of characteristics about Corporate America, as he has an unquenchable desire to increase his own wealth and power. Mr. Burns also embodies the stereotype of a manager: he forgets his employees' names (especially Homer, despite the fact that they seem to interact on a daily basis) and is unconcerned for their safety and well-being. His age provides the writers a character with which to express dated humor and references to popular culture before the 1950s. His aspirations to apply obsolete technology to everyday life or references to Victorian era people or places provide a common source of humor on the show."

TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Cochran Aide Charged In Abramoff Probe

And another good Evangelical Republican bites the big one!

TPMMuckraker Talking Points Memo Cochran Aide Charged In Abramoff Probe: "Ann Copland, a former longtime aide to Sen. Thad Cochrain (R-MS), was charged late last week with accepting gifts from, and doing favors for, the corrupt lobbyist and his cronies."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Geoffrey Dunn: Palin's Evangelical Base Slaps Down Bristol

Another nail for the Bush Legacy Coffin. I guess that on their way to bamboozle the country, the Pubes thought that abstinence actually was a good program. Maybe not so much.

Geoffrey Dunn: Palin's Evangelical Base Slaps Down Bristol: "During Sarah Palin's recent vice-presidential bid, her unmarried teen daughter Bristol's pregnancy became a hot campaign topic. As a follow-up report on this compelling human interest story, Fox News Commentator Greta van Susteren, asked Bristol Palin about abstinence. Bristol shared her view that 'abstinence is....not realistic at all.' It is suspect that media, seemingly devoted to science based research, is quick to claim Bristol Palin's experience as proof positive that abstinence education for all teens should end..."

TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect

I guess this goober was following Larry Kudlow of CNBC. Jeeesh.

TAPPED Archive The American Prospect: "“We thought the low points of last fall were behind us, but we seem to be in for more disappointments,” said Vincent Juvyns, a strategist at ING Investment in Brussels. “The markets have lost all sense of direction, which makes it hard to take a position.”"

Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police | Politics and Law - CNET News

I got $50.00 that says Rush doesn't give a shit about this intrusion into freedom of speech. Here is the real fairness doctrine and its the Republicans that are pushing it.

Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police Politics and Law - CNET News: "Republican politicians on Thursday called for a sweeping new federal law that would require all Internet providers and operators of millions of Wi-Fi access points, even hotels, local coffee shops, and home users, to keep records about users for two years to aid police investigations."

Obama Has Plan to Slash Deficit, Despite Stimulus Bill -

So the President is not going to use the "gimmicks" that the so called conservative Republican President and congress used. Just another nail in that coffin called Bush legacy. Actually every Bush budget was a lie. Just a flat out lie... but then that is what Republicans do best.

Obama Has Plan to Slash Deficit, Despite Stimulus Bill - "Yet Mr. Obama will inflate his challenge by forsaking several gimmicks that President Bush used to make deficits look smaller. He will include war costs in the budget; Mr. Bush did not, and instead sought supplemental money from Congress each year. Mr. Obama also will not count savings from laws that establish lower Medicare payments for doctors and expand the alternative minimum tax to hit more taxpayers — both of which Mr. Bush and Congress routinely took credit for, while knowing they would later waive the laws to raise doctors’ payments and limit the reach of the tax."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gramm and the ‘Enron Loophole’ -

For anyone that listens to, and believes what he says, take a moment and read this article and then think back to the daily barrage Rush heaped on Governor Davis of California. Daily, he blamed him for the energy woes of that state when it was the deregulation that Rush himself advocated.

Gramm and the ‘Enron Loophole’ - "The commodity futures act, in addition to allowing unregulated trading of financial derivatives, included language advocated by Enron that largely exempted the company from regulation of its energy trading on electronic commodity markets, like its once-popular Enron Online. The provision came to be known as the Enron Loophole."

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dana Milbank - Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence -

All they know is that when it goes wrong, and it usually does, then lie, obfuscate and deny. And the biggest neo-con was Colonel Rush Limbaugh, Commander of the Chicken Hawk Brigade.

Dana Milbank - Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence - "The Prince of Darkness -- so dubbed during his days opposing arms control in the Reagan Pentagon -- was not about to let details get in the way of his argument that '50 million conspiracy theorists have it wrong,' as the subtitle of his article for National Interest put it. 'I see a number of people here who believe and have expressed themselves abundantly that there is a neoconservative foreign policy and it was the policy that dominated the Bush administration, and they ascribe to it responsibility for the deplorable state of the world,' Perle told the foreign policy luminaries at yesterday's lunch. 'None of that is true, of course.'"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Raw Story | Missing Iraq billions could be 'greatest fraud in US history'

This should be mandatory reading for every Bush apologist out there. Hannity thinks Obama is wasting money! Bull shit. Billions missing and yet not a peep out of Rush, Sean and the boys.

The Raw Story Missing Iraq billions could be 'greatest fraud in US history': "''Hard Lessons,' a draft of which was leaked to the news media in December, concludes that the U.S. reconstruction effort in Iraq was a failure, largely because there was no overall strategy behind it,' reported the Washington Post. 'Goals shifted from 'liberation' and an early military exit to massive, ill-conceived and expensive building projects under the Coalition Provisional Authority of 2003 and 2004. Many of those projects -- over budget, poorly executed or, often, barely begun -- were abandoned as security worsened."

Alan Greenspan: The Oracle Or The Master Of Disaster?

This reminds me of the old saying " there are no atheists in foxholes".

Alan Greenspan: The Oracle Or The Master Of Disaster?: "Most recently, Greenspan's ideological journey has taken an abrupt left turn. On February 18, the Financial Times reported that the one-time libertarian devotee of Ayn Rand now thinks the government might be best advised to take over 'lemon' banks. 'It may be necessary to temporarily nationalize some banks in order to facilitate a swift and orderly restructuring,' he said in an interview."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stanford fears hit banks in Antigua, Caracas - World business-

And the hits keep coming. Yet another good Evangelical Republican bites the dust. Of course he did he right thing, being personally responsible and all, he is willing to face the music and prove he is an innocent man that just got caught up in Carters economic mess. Oh... he tried to escape the country on a private jet!!

Stanford fears hit banks in Antigua, Caracas - World business- "ST. JOHN'S, Antigua - Hundreds of people lined up to withdraw money from banks in Antigua and Caracas affiliated with Texas billionaire R. Allen Stanford, a day after the tycoon was charged with an $8 billion fraud."

Meanwhile, the brash, 58-year-old financier sought to get a one-way flight out of the U.S. to Antigua, CNBC reported Wednesday. Citing an unnamed source in the private jet industry, CNBC said Stanford contacted a private jet owner Tuesday and attempted to pay for the flight with a credit card, but was refused because the company would only accept a wire transfer.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Police: Man held woman captive, read Bible - Crime & courts-

Yet another good Evangelical Republican conservative bites the big one.

Police: Man held woman captive, read Bible - Crime & courts- "TOLEDO, Ohio - A man held a woman captive in handcuffs and an adult diaper for three days while he read Bible passages to her, police said.
Troy Brisport, 34, was charged with kidnapping and felonious assault. Bail was set Tuesday at $400,000."

Ga. panel OKs new food safety changes - Food safety-

What a bunch of socialists. Don't they believe in the free-market system? All it takes is a 5 - 10 deaths and 8-900 people extremely ill and the market will put these guys out of business. When are they going to learn that "government isn't the solution, government is the problem."

These people weren't victims of a salmonella outbreak... they were disgruntled former peanut butter eaters.

Ga. panel OKs new food safety changes - Food safety- "ATLANTA - A sweeping new food safety measure proposed in the wake of the salmonella outbreak easily passed its first key legislative hurdle Wednesday as Georgia lawmakers sought to reassure antsy residents."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ex-VP Dick Cheney outraged President Bush didn't grant 'Scooter' Libby full pardon

I will grant President Bush this... he finally realized that Little Dick Cheney had about as much on the ball as that drug addict, Rush "I can't get it up without Viagra" Limbaugh. Neither understands the rule of law or the Constitution of the United States, or gives a shit about it.

Ex-VP Dick Cheney outraged President Bush didn't grant 'Scooter' Libby full pardon: "About the same time, however, an official who has worked closely with both men mused that the relationship 'isn't what it was' when Bush tapped Cheney as his running mate in 2000.
'It's been a long, long time since I've heard the President say, 'Run that by the vice president's office.' You used to hear that all the time.'"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why You Can't Buy a New Car Online | Mother Jones

Just another example of the type of thing you will never hear from Rush, Sean, Bill, Michael or any of the rest of the Republican echo chamber. This is why Rush and the boys are paid millions to keep angry white males pissed at everything.

Why You Can't Buy a New Car Online Mother Jones: "Since the late 1990s, car dealers have used their considerable political clout to pass or better enforce state franchise laws that in many cases make it a criminal offense for an auto manufacturer to sell a new car to anyone but a state-licensed car dealer. The laws governing who can sell new cars are among the most anti-competitive of any domestic industry. By creating local monopolies for dealerships and prohibiting online sales for new cars, they constitute a major restraint on interstate commerce; in 2001, the Consumer Federation of America estimated [pdf] that the laws added at least $1,500 to the price of every new car."

The Rise And Fall of A Peanut Empire -

Probably a pretty good case for the FDA to have a little more power and teeth. But of course the free-market systemers will be able to spin this as they want and the "liberal" press will stenograph their arguments without question.

The Rise And Fall of A Peanut Empire - "He is accused by federal investigators of intentionally sending into the stream of commerce peanut products contaminated with salmonella bacteria. The government has directly linked Parnell's peanuts to nine deaths and 637 cases of salmonella illness in 44 states and Canada, with thousands more illnesses suspected."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | TPMDC Saturday Roundup

Obama taking a little shot at the GWB administrations inability to do anything right.

TPMDC Talking Points Memo TPMDC Saturday Roundup: "'Now, some fear we won't be able to effectively implement a plan of this size and scope, and I understand their skepticism. Washington hasn't set a very good example in recent years. And with so much on the line, it's time to begin doing things differently.'"

Media Matters - Memo to Limbaugh: Try CTRL+F before blasting Dems for purportedly unsearchable bill

Media Matters - Memo to Limbaugh: Try CTRL+F before blasting Dems for purportedly unsearchable bill: "During the February 13 broadcast of his syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Democrats 'have reformatted the bill -- they've made it a PDF [Portable Document Format, created by Adobe Systems] file when they posted it. Now, for those of you that don't use computers, basically what that means is that it cannot be keyword searched. A PDF file is essentially a picture of a page. And, so, you can read every page, but you cannot keyword search it. It's not a text file as legislation normally is as posted on these public websites. They don't want anybody knowing what's in this.'"
In fact, PDFs are searchable in multiple ways.

Sorry Rush, but it is easily searchable. But Rush would rather lie. Its easier and you can make a point, even if based in inaccuracies.

In its Help Resource Center for Adobe Reader, a program that reads PDFs, Adobe Systems writes: "You can run a simple search, looking for a search term within in a single file, or you can run a more complex search, looking for various kinds of data in one or more PDFs. You can run a search using either the Search window or the Find toolbar. In either case, Reader searches the PDF body text, layers, form fields, and digital signatures. You can also include bookmarks and comments in the search."

Frank Schaeffer: An Open Letter to President Obama About the Republicans (From a Former Republican)

It is pure unadulterated hate. I know a lot of Republicans and to a person they want you to fail, not necessarily because of your policies but because of who you are and what you stand for.

Frank Schaeffer: An Open Letter to President Obama About the Republicans (From a Former Republican): "There's only one thing that makes sense for you now. Mr. President, you need to forget a bipartisan approach and get on with the business of governing by winning each battle. You will never be able to work with the Republicans because they hate you. Believe me, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are the norm not the exception. James Dobson and the rest are praying for you to fail. The neoconservatives are gnashing their teeth and waiting for you to 'sell out Israel' or 'show weakness' in Afghanistan, whatever, so they can declare you a traitor."

Friday, February 13, 2009

TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | McCain says Obama needs to work on bipartisanship

I got a hundred dollar bill to the first person that can show proof of any nationally elected Republican using the term "generational theft" as a talking point about to much spending by George W. Bush. I will double that if you can provide a quote from John McCain any time from 2001 to 2006.

TPM: News Pages Talking Points Memo McCain says Obama needs to work on bipartisanship: "'I think that the majority of people understand that this was generational theft,' McCain told Reuters."

CNBC: How housing boom was a house of cards - CNBC TV-

And Rush and the boys try to paint this as the fault of Barney Frank.

CNBC: How housing boom was a house of cards - CNBC TV- "In 2004, in the midst of the housing boom, President George Bush had a chance to do a little bragging in his State of the Union Address.
“This economy is strong and growing stronger,' he said, to applause in the House chamber. 'New home construction (is at) the highest in almost 20 years. Homeownership rates (are at) the highest ever.”
Just one month later, then-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan encouraged the mortgage industry to come up with new kinds of loans — so even more people could buy homes."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pelosi's Mouse Explained: What's Actually In The Stimulus Bill

They will grab and distort anything they can. Remember their hero, Rush "I'm a drug addict that is brave enough to compare a 13 year old girl to a dog on national TV" Limbaugh, is committed to destroying anything Obama supports.

Pelosi's Mouse Explained: What's Actually In The Stimulus Bill: "One simple answer: workers would be paid to restore wetlands, and the restored wetlands then have an economic benefit in terms of filtering water, slowing run-off and improving the health of fisheries.
On Thursday, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) took to the House floor to make a different point: the money for the restoration isn't actually in the bill.
'There are no earmarks in this bill. There is no earmark for rats in San Francisco. There is money that goes to the EPA and the Department of the Interior for cleanup of wetlands and maintaining of wetlands and apparently this is on a list of ready-to-go projects but it, like many others, must compete within the departments for that money. It is not a specific earmark within the bill,' he said. 'That trivializes this bill.'"

The right's two-pronged religion of rage and self-pity - Glenn Greenwald -

The right promotes the "liberal" media daily. It's all they have and they have a great imagination.

The right's two-pronged religion of rage and self-pity - Glenn Greenwald - "As Blue Texan suggests, there are literally countless facts one could cite to negate the Right's incessant, tired complaint about The Liberal Media. As but just one example, the single most influential figure dictating what is reported by The Liberal Media -- Matt Drudge -- is a supreme right-wing hack. Just as Mark Halperin and John Harris proclaimed: He's the Walter Cronkite of our era, he rules the Media World, and is the nation's assignment editor. Every story he promotes -- Gwen Ifill has a Pro-Obama Conflict of Interest!!!! -- ends up immediately infecting the narrative of The Liberal Mainstream Media. How does one explain that?"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pa. judges accused of jailing kids for cash - Crime & courts-

Who needs lawyers. Nancy Grace would be proud of these two Evangelical law and order Republicans. Rush would be even prouder. Think about it, not only are these judges keeping the hardened criminal off the streets (if you think making a face book page parroting a principal is criminal, I kinda thought that was free speech... but only if your a Republican I guess) to helping Rush with his defense of private corporations that commit crimes. As in bribing.

Pa. judges accused of jailing kids for cash - Crime & courts- "In one of the most shocking cases of courtroom graft on record, two Pennsylvania judges have been charged with taking millions of dollars in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers."

Fred Barnes' source for climate science | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist

This is how the right wing echo chamber works. This guy, Marono, previously was a producer for that monument of truth, bull shit truth, Rush Limbaugh.

Fred Barnes' source for climate science Gristmill: The environmental news blog Grist: "Morano's entire job is to aggregate every misleading factoid, every attack on climate science or scientists, every crank skeptical statement from anyone in the world and send it all out periodically in email blasts that get echoed throughout the right-wing blog world and eventually find their way into places like Fox News and the Weekly Standard. From there they go, via columnists like George Will and Charles Krauthammer, into mainstream outlets like Newsweek and the Washington Post.
That's where Barnes gets it. That's where Glenn Beck gets it, and Lou Dobbs, and Will, and Krauthammer, and all the rest of them. This is something everyone involved in climate- or energy-related media knows."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Rush Limbaugh Paradox

The Rush Limbaugh Paradox or, as we will refer to it in the future, the TRLP, here is how it works... if the Obama stimulus plan works, then TRLP would be that no stimulus was needed and Rush predicted that. If the stimulus plan is to small (like little dick cheney's dick), and fails, figuratively and literally, then TRLP would be "I predicted this plan would not work". There, you have the TRLP. And because it always feels good to say it, Rush is a big fat piece of shit. A really big piece of shit.

Just in case some anonymous chicken hawk wants to alert Rush (chicken shit) Limbaugh of this post, I gladly leave my contact info.

David Wolff
Pensacola, FL

Media Matters - Limbaugh, Hannity, and the GOP: an iron triangle of stimulus misinformation

Mark this date. It may very well happen, then Rush can claim "I told you so". The problem here is that if it happens, Rush will not repeat that the President said "there are no guarantees". This is what Rush does all the time.

Media Matters - Limbaugh, Hannity, and the GOP: an iron triangle of stimulus misinformation: "LIMBAUGH: So here now for those of you waiting for Obama to get you your healthcare, to drive you to the hospital, to fill up your car, to get you your job, to get you your gift certificate at Wal-Mart, now we're being told that over half the money wasn't going to show up until after 2010 when the recession's over? By the way, I'm gonna tell you what: If he gets what he wants, if he gets what he wants, there isn't going to be a recession in 2010. It's going to be a depression."

Fox Passed Off GOP Talking Points As Their Own Reporting

Here is a great example of "Fair and Balanced" they took the republican talking points and made it seem like original reporting. Only problem is it wasn't, it even included a typo on the original GOP talking points.

Fox Passed Off GOP Talking Points As Their Own Reporting: "'We thought we'd take a look back at the bill, how it was born, and how it grew, and grew, and grew.' Note, please, the introduction of this segment with the active verb 'we thought,' as if what followed came out of some organic newsgathering process, founded by a genuine curiosity for how the stimulus package 'grew and grew.'"

House hearing to focus on peanut executives - Food safety-

Where in the hell is Rush. This assault on the free-market system will not stand. Over 600 people are sick right now in San Fransisco hospital and we are not investigating there.

House hearing to focus on peanut executives - Food safety- "The House Energy and Commerce Committee voted to compel Peanut Corp. of America President Stewart Parnell to appear at a hearing Wednesday, as a wide-ranging investigation focuses on who was responsible for an outbreak that has sickened at least 600 people and may have contributed to eight deaths.
'Hopefully, people are going to be held accountable,' said Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., chairman of the committee's investigations panel. The full committee approved the subpoena by voice vote, without opposition."

Think Progress » REPORT: GOP Lawmakers Outnumber Democratic Lawmakers 2 To 1 In Stimulus Debate On Cable News (Updated)

When you actually look at the numbers and not just listen to Rush and the boys, you see that the "librul" media is a fallacy. It is talking points for... Rush and the boys. Just like the Fairness Doctrine, not one piece of movement on this by any Democrat. Nowhere>

Think Progress » REPORT: GOP Lawmakers Outnumber Democratic Lawmakers 2 To 1 In Stimulus Debate On Cable News (Updated): "In total, from 6 AM on Monday to 4 PM on Wednesday, the networks have hosted Republican lawmakers 51 times and Democratic lawmakers only 26 times. Surprisingly, Fox News came the closest to offering balance, hosting 8 Republicans and 6 Democrats. CNN had only two Democrats compared to 7 Republicans.
The drastically imbalanced coverage isn’t the first time that the news networks have effectively supported attacks on the recovery plans. As ThinkProgress reported on Monday, the cable networks, the Sunday shows and the network newscasts promoted a controversial CBO non-report 81 times before the actual CBO analysis of the stimulus plan was released."

News Hounds: Fox News Website Using Right Wing Name For Stimulus Bill - Isn't That Special?

Its called the right wing "echo chamber". It really is funny that Rush Limbaugh and AM talk radio is what is running the Republican Party. They haven't a clue on how to run this country and are quite happy to see it go down the shitter to get back in power. In fact they are doing all they can to assist in the failure of anything this administration does.

News Hounds: Fox News Website Using Right Wing Name For Stimulus Bill - Isn't That Special?: "As I have frequently noted, Fox News is always au courant with whatever is hot, hot, hot in Republican right wing circles. As such, the Fox News website is using the cute, new, conservative nickname for the stimulus bill - calling it the 'Spendulous' Bill. I don't know who came up with this first; but it is all the rage on the requiste right wing websites. Google 'Spendulous' and you'll come up with the usual suspects and then some. It's just so cute."

Opinion: A-Rod's apology nice start, but tell us more - Baseball-

Not in the Rush Limbaugh generation he won't. He won, they gave it to him, and he ain't giving it back. It doesn't matter how he got it. He got it. Ethics is for losers.

Opinion: A-Rod's apology nice start, but tell us more - Baseball- "Then take the $6 million bonus you get for reaching the home run marks of Willie Mays, Babe Ruth and others ($30 million in all) and donate half of it to steroid programs and the other half to building new ball fields for kids. You did, after all, sign for the money under false pretenses."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Octuplet's mom on food stamps, publicist says - Kids and parenting-

Maybe Focus on the Family, or Pat Robertson, or that paragon of family values (married only 3 times) Rush "Viagra man" Limbaugh, will step up and provide for some of the support this evangelical, God fearing family, needs. But I doubt it.

Octuplet's mom on food stamps, publicist says - Kids and parenting- "NBC chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman has estimated the cost of delivering the infants and caring for them until they are healthy enough to leave the hospital at $1.5 million to $3 million."

Octuplet's mom on food stamps, publicist says - Kids and parenting-

I don't know, maybe she could have adopted a few that are already on welfare. That's just the prospective of what is called a liberal. I thought it was common sense.

Octuplet's mom on food stamps, publicist says - Kids and parenting- "Nadya Suleman, the mother of the octuplets born last month, gets $490 a month in food stamps, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday evening. Three of her first children also get federal supplemental security income because they are disabled, the Times reported."

FBI raids Ga. plant in salmonella scare - Food safety-

Lets go back to basics... Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Republicans all over the nation, have said over and over "government is not the solution, government is the problem". Right, lack of government was the problem. And people are dead, and people are sick. Owners are probably going to jail, but the folks that pushed the "government is the problem" line will just continue to collect money to get re-elected from those not in jail yet.

FBI raids Ga. plant in salmonella scare - Food safety- "WASHINGTON - Federal agents on Monday raided a Georgia peanut processing plant linked to the nationwide salmonella outbreak that has prompted one of the largest product recalls in U.S. history."

‘I did take a banned substance,’ A-Rod admits - Baseball-

Let us use a Rush Limbaugh philosophy here... he won, he was the greatest, it did not matter anything else, he won, he is a step ahead of every other player on earth, he made the most money, everyone thought he was the greatest. Anything to win, damn the ethics and anything else. He was the best... he cheated.

‘I did take a banned substance,’ A-Rod admits - Baseball- "NEW YORK - Already the highest-paid player, Alex Rodriguez wanted to prove himself one of the greatest. Instead, he wound up atop another list: the highest-profile player to confess to cheating in baseball’s steroids era."

Octuplet's mom on food stamps, publicist says - Kids and parenting-

Oh what the Republicans have brought us for ethics and personal responsibilities. Go forth and multiply!!! According to Fox "News" John Gibson, what a f**king joke.

Octuplet's mom on food stamps, publicist says - Kids and parenting- "'In Nadya's view, the money that she gets from the food stamp program ... and the resources disabilities payments she gets for her three children are not welfare,' he said. 'They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare.'"

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Opinion: Like Bonds, A-Rod never will escape this shame - Baseball-

Win at any cost. These guys are typical Republicans... lie, cheat or steal, it doesn't matter, as long as you win and make more money. Good Evangelical Republicans.

Opinion: Like Bonds, A-Rod never will escape this shame - Baseball- "Alex Rodriguez's good name is gone forever, and there is nothing he can say or do to get it back. Instead, he can go stand on the other side of the room with Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and baseball's other alleged cheats.
At least that's a reasonable conclusion in the wake of Sports Illustrated's report that Rodriguez tested positive for two anabolic steroids in 2003."

Bush Jacketless In Oval Office: Photo Uncovered After Bush Chief Of Staff Slams Obama's Informal Appearance (SLIDESHOW)

Before Fox "News" goes bonkers over Obama not displaying the proper courtesy in the Oval Office... in fact Bush, Clinton, GHW Bush, Carter, Reagan were all guilty of it.

Bush Jacketless In Oval Office: Photo Uncovered After Bush Chief Of Staff Slams Obama's Informal Appearance (SLIDESHOW): "One day after President Bush's former Chief of Staff Andrew Card blasted President Obama for breaking the Bush dress code, which reportedly required that a jacket be worn by anyone entering the Oval Office, we've unearthed a photo of, well, a jacketless President Bush in the Oval Office."

Judge clears dead Texas man of rape conviction - Crime & courts-

Take that Nancy "why do we need defense lawyers" Grace. Here is how the right wing radio heads would play it, "he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time".

Judge clears dead Texas man of rape conviction - Crime & courts- "AUSTIN, Texas - A man who died in prison while serving time for a rape he didn't commit was cleared Friday by a judge who called the state's first posthumous DNA exoneration 'the saddest case' he'd ever seen.
State District Judge Charles Baird ordered Timothy Cole's record expunged.
Cole was convicted of raping a Texas Tech University student in Lubbock in 1985 and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He died in 1999 at age 39 from asthma complications."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Stinque » GOP Brain-Trust University’s Law School Dean Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Abuse#more-4252

This is where the Department of Justice under George W. Bush got their Lawyers from.

Stinque » GOP Brain-Trust University’s Law School Dean Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Abuse#more-4252: "Regent University is the heart and soul of the GOP intellectual brain trust, a center of psuedo-learning that emphasizes savage racism, xenophobism, hatred of homosexuals, fear of non-Jeebus-crazed religions and advocates the overthrow of secular government in America and transformation of the nation into a medieval theocracy of the sort that would make Iran look like West Hollywood.
Founded by Christian Coalition founding psychopath, evangelist and failed presidential candidate Pat Robertson, Regent University sent bus loads of its graduates into the Department of Justice and other federal ministries during the Bush administration, most often in appointed roles but some taking on permanent civil servant mandarin positions where they still lie in wait, theocratic suicide bombers ready to spring into action to do their part to reduce America to a cult of Jesus."

This is the Dean of said Law School. A perverted Rush Limbaugh listener.

Stephen L. McPherson, 39, Regent University law school’s assistant dean pleaded guilty earlier this month for two counts of indecent acts on little girls.

Molestation allegations against well-regarded Puebloan - The Denver Post

Another good Evangelical Republican shows his true colors. What is it about the Republican Party that attracts child abusers, Mark Foley, meth snorting male prostitute lover, Ted Haggerty, prostitute abuser and fantastic family man, David Vittor, and now this guy. Guess what they all had in common? They are Rush Limbaugh listeners and supporters. I guess that's what the Republican Party is today: perverts, criminals, and homosexuals. Is that what happens when one listens to Rush Limbaugh (has some drug issues himself) every day?

Molestation allegations against well-regarded Puebloan - The Denver Post: "A wide-ranging investigation has been launched into allegations that a well-known Pueblo resident has molested many boys over the years, including most recently when he was the manager for Sen. John McCain's presidential-campaign office in Pueblo.
Under investigation is Jeffrey Claude Bartleson, 52, who was arrested Jan. 29 and then re-arrested Wednesday after a campaign worker in the McCain office told police she believed Bartleson molested one of her sons."

Op-Ed Columnist - On the Edge -

Obama has to fail, if not then Rush and the boys are in the wilderness. And they don't care if they take the whole country down with them. He has to fail.

Op-Ed Columnist - On the Edge - "So what should Mr. Obama do? Count me among those who think that the president made a big mistake in his initial approach, that his attempts to transcend partisanship ended up empowering politicians who take their marching orders from Rush Limbaugh. What matters now, however, is what he does next."

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The "defense cut" falsehood from The Washington Post and Robert Kagan - Glenn Greenwald -

While we are on the subject of lying (previous post) we may as well acknowledge that, of course, Fox "News" and that, Colonel of Chicken Hawks, Robert Kagan are lying about Obama's supposed cut in defense spending. Like I said before and I will say it again, if a Republican says it, it is more than likely bull shit.

The "defense cut" falsehood from The Washington Post and Robert Kagan - Glenn Greenwald - "The Obama administration has given the Pentagon a $527 billion limit, excluding war costs, for its fiscal 2010 defense budget, an official with the White House’s Office of Management and Budget said Monday.
If enacted, that would be an 8 percent increase from the $487.7 billion allocated for fiscal 2009, and it would match what the Bush administration estimated last year for the Pentagon in fiscal 2010."

GE’s Immelt: U.S. economy worst since 1970s - U.S. business-

This is what comes from a rational capitalist as opposed to a right wing radio demagogue just making money by running his mouth. And a brave demagogue at that. Brave enough to take on a 13 year old girl.

GE’s Immelt: U.S. economy worst since 1970s - U.S. business- "Immelt, who described himself as a lifelong Republican, said he would give President Obama an A- or B+ grade for his job as a manager so far, saying Obama has moved quickly to recover from mistakes.
Immelt opposes caps on executive pay for companies receiving government funds, and saw a danger from emerging protectionism that would jeopardize the economy's long-term growth."

Bush Lies, Media Swallows

This article, from November 2002, attempts to explain why the press so earnestly shied away from President Bush's lies. What struck me was that for most of his time in office, if a reporter or opinion writer attempted to shed light or mildly criticize any aspect of anything this administration did, would immediately be shouted down by the right wing pundits. Any attempt to bring light or expose anything and you would be branded a traitor. And, as the article shows, just about all of the reasons we sent over 4,000 service men and women to their deaths, was a lie. When a Republican says it, you can be sure its probably bull shit. I particularly like the statement "three quarters of Americans surveyed think Saddam is currently helping Al Qaeda; 71 percent think it is likely he was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks", if you are a current Fox News fan you probably still believe this.

Bush Lies, Media Swallows: "George W. Bush does not lie about sex, I suppose--merely about war and peace. Most particularly he has consistently lied about Iraq's nuclear capabilities as well as its missile-delivery capabilities. Take a look at Milbank's gingerly worded page-one October 22 Post story if you doubt me. To cite just two particularly egregious examples, Bush tried to frighten Americans by claiming that Iraq possesses a fleet of unmanned aircraft that could be used 'for missions targeting the United States.' Previously he insisted that a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed the Iraqis to be 'six months away from developing a weapon.' Both of these statements are false, but they are working. Nearly three-quarters of Americans surveyed think that Saddam is currently helping Al Qaeda; 71 percent think it is likely he was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks."

Andy Ostroy: Guess What? Cheney's Still a Dick!

Lets use their logic... after 9-11 they said it was Clintons fault because he had been in power during the build up to 9-11. OK then, if anything happens in the next 8 years, then it will be Little Dick Cheney's and George W. Bush's fault.

Andy Ostroy: Guess What? Cheney's Still a Dick!: "Let it be known for the record that the biggest terror attack in U.S. history occurred on Cheney and Bush's watch, and that acts of terrorism around the world increased significantly while those two fear mongers were at the controls. Lastly, that seven years passed since the 9-11 attacks is not necessarily something Americans should rest assured by. Keep in mind it was eight years between the 1993 and 2001 World Trade Center attacks. Maybe it's still a bit too early for Cheney's self-aggrandizing."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rush, Markopolos, and the SEC

Markopolos may have attempted to bring in the SEC to investigate Madoff, but he ain't seen shit till ElRushbo gets his teeth into this boys ass. You don't bring reality into this thing before Rush frames it the way he wants to.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Joe The Plumber To Talk Strategy With Luckless Conservatives

OMG!!! How great is this! Joe"the dip shit lying fake Plumber" Wurzlebacher is advising the freakin' GOP.
And Palin and Limbugh head the party. May as well call them Whigs now.

Joe The Plumber To Talk Strategy With Luckless Conservatives: "Fresh off his stint as a war correspondent in Gaza, Joe the Plumber is now doing political strategy with Republicans,'"

Geoffrey Dunn: Dog Eat Dog: Palin Patron's Checkered Past

I thought she had a problem with the elites? Hell, all she does is lie. She told a group of Pubes she couldn't make their meeting as she had Guv'mnt biz in Alaska and here she is hob bobbing with the Washington elite. She even went with a former investment guy. I say former because, like any good evangelical Republican, he has legal problems with the SEC

Geoffrey Dunn: Dog Eat Dog: Palin Patron's Checkered Past: "There she is...the former Miss Wasilla, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, entering the deep bastion of America's corporate elite, The Alfalfa Club, in 'a black satin evening gown and matching wrap' that doesn't quite look like it's been worn too often in the Last Frontier. Proper moose hunting attire it is not, even if one is hunting from an airplane."

Donald Rumsfeld Struggles To Board Bus

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Donald Rumsfeld Struggles To Board Bus: "One of the unseen costs of Tom Daschle using up all of America's car services is that ordinary war-mongering political has-beens are forced to fend for themselves at street corners, waiting for buses. That's the situation that ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld found himself in Monday,"

Monday, February 2, 2009

White House Watch - Dan Froomkin's Blog on

Intelligence and a sense of humor.

White House Watch - Dan Froomkin's Blog on "'President Obama said he was freezing the salaries of everyone at the White House making over $100,000. He quipped that no one had frozen that much money since ex-Rep. William Jefferson.'"

Bob Sommer: "The Fierce Urgency of Now"

After 9-11...

Bob Sommer: "The Fierce Urgency of Now": "For a brief period, people were polite to one another, compassionate even; they wanted to give of themselves. But Bush chose the divisive road. His base meant more than the country. Republican hegemony at home and American hegemony abroad meant more than asking people to spend less, invest in infrastructure, curtail oil consumption—consumption of any kind, for that matter—and conserve resources for our own sake and that of our children. The damage of that decision, which was central to all the bad decisions and mismanagement that followed, came with profound consequences."

Dave Lindorff: The Ugly Truth

Typical Republican response to something that does not turn out the way they thought it would... change the way it is looked at. Remember the WMD in Iraq, well when none were found then the administration went into Democracy in the middle east mode. Liars really.

Dave Lindorff: The Ugly Truth: "Now this is all crashing down. Property values are in free-fall. Car sales have fallen off a cliff. Joblessness is soaring (At present, it’s approaching an official rate of 8%, but if the methodology used in 1980, before the Reagan administration changed it to hide the depth of that era’s deep recession, were applied, it would be 17% today, or one in seven workers)."

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.

Lets see, Limbaugh, Palin, and Joe Wurzlebacher. This is the head of the Republican party: A fat drug addict, a dip shit with fake boobs (or, is she a boob?), and an unemployed wanna be Plumber. And this is how the Republican Party wants it to be. What a great time for a political junkie to be alive.

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.: "Coming off a shellacking at the polls in November, the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years, and 55% think it should become more like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in the future, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey."

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.

Lets see, Limbaugh, Palin, and Joe Wurzlebacher. This is the head of the Republican party: A fat drug addict, a dip shit with fake boobs (or, is she a boob?), and an unemployed wanna be Plumber. And this is how the Republican Party wants it to be. What a great time for a political junkie to be alive.

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.: "Coming off a shellacking at the polls in November, the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years, and 55% think it should become more like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in the future, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey."

Stinque » Wanker of the Week

Jacob Frenkel, AIG Vice Chairman and Republican and economic prognosticator. And quite wrong about it all we see now. And the jerk still works at AIG.

Stinque » Wanker of the Week: "Jan. 30 (Bloomberg) — At the World Economic Forum two years ago, Nouriel Roubini warned that record profits and bonuses were obscuring a “hard landing” to come. “I really disagree,” countered Jacob Frenkel, the American International Group Inc. vice chairman and former Israeli central banker.
No more. “Roubini was intellectually courageous, and he called the shots correctly,” says Frenkel, whose AIG survives only on the basis of more than $100 billion of government loans. “He gained credibility, and he deserves it.”"

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Washington Monthly

Finally, after eight years of, fool me once, ahh fool me again, I mean fool you twice, a president that can articulate an ironic moment.

The Washington Monthly: "'I am seriously glad to be here tonight at the annual Alfalfa dinner. I know that many you are aware that this dinner began almost one hundred years ago as a way to celebrate the birthday of General Robert E. Lee. If he were here with us tonight, the General would be 202 years old. And very confused.'"

Scoring Hits on Al Qaeda | Newsweek International |

By Rush Limbaugh's thinking this would be a success for Obama. Obama is President right? But here in the reality based world, we can pretty much say this belongs to GWB. Lets remember this little lesson in the coming days and give Obama credit where due.

Scoring Hits on Al Qaeda Newsweek International "After one of the latest U.S. Predator attacks in North Waziristan, a Taliban subcommander visited the site. He's seen the results of many airstrikes over the past year or two, but this one really impressed him. The missile didn't just hit the right house; it scored a direct hit on the very room where Mustafa al-Misri ('Mustafa the Egyptian') and several other Qaeda operatives were holed up. The hit was so accurate, the subcommander says, it's as if someone had tossed a GPS device against the wall. Unfortunately for others at the scene, the mud-and-stone house collapsed, killing several Afghans along with the foreign fighters. Nevertheless, the subcommander told NEWSWEEK, 'We are stunned' by such precision."

d r i f t g l a s s

This is fucking unreal! The new head of the GOP actually said this. And the funny thing is the other head of the GOP, Rush "hint, hint, Sarah Palin" Limbaugh actually said he hopes the country slides into a serious depression rather than see a black President succeed. Yea, I want all these new leaders of the GOP succeed, the more the better... for the country.

d r i f t g l a s s: "'Let me tell you about Mike Tyson,' Steele said. 'He is one of the most engaging and smartest guys I have ever had a chance to go toe to toe with in a debate.'"

The Note: Palin stiffs the House Republicans

This is too rich. I guess the future of the "hint, hint, Sarah Palin" Republican Party (according to Rush Limbaugh) had more important things to do today... as in trying to get federal money and hob bobbing with President Obama.

The Note: Palin stiffs the House Republicans: "ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports: When House Republicans planned their annual winter retreat, they extended an invitation to Alaska Gov. Sara Palin, hoping the party's 2008 vice presidential nominee would give a morale-building speech to the more than 130 Republican members of Congress gathered this weekend in Hot Springs, Va.
Retreat organizers tell ABC News that Palin politely declined, giving a perfectly understandable reason. According to the Congressional Institute, which hosted the conference, Palin said she simply could not make it to the retreat because pressing state business made it impossible for her to leave Alaska this weekend.
So where is Palin this weekend? She's in Washington, D.C., attending the super-elite Alfalfa Dinner.
'She lied to us,' said a Republican at the retreat."

Introducing the official Personal Site of Stormy Daniels

I guess that good Evangelical, Republican from Louisiana (he is also a prostitute loving good old boy) has a competitor for his Senate seat.

Introducing the official Personal Site of Stormy Daniels

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Of course she was against it before she was for it. And somebody has got to get the message to el Rushbo that the future "hint, hint, Sarah Palin" of the Republican Party is apparently in the tank for the stimulus he is taking credit for holding all Pubes to a zero vote for. But, hey, its just bullshit with them any way.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation: "Forced to actually govern rather than grandstand on failed ideological tenets, Republican governors are headed to DC to beg for their share of the bailout money. That part may not be so surprising, but that Sarah Palin is among them is pretty hilarious.
It complicates matters for the anti-stimulus ideologues who see starbursts in the presence of Palin.
Then again, Palin had no trouble lying about her support for the Bridge to Nowhere. Nothing will stop her from trying to rewrite history three years from now."

New Deal economics - Paul Krugman Blog -

Lets go back to that dip shit Reagan speech writer Peggy Noonan, she doesn't understand why, if the sun is shinning, and people are out buying basic stuff like, wipe your ass toilet paper, the "liberal" press says we are in a recession. Well, dumb ass look at the following. This is just a minuscule of what is going on.

New Deal economics - Paul Krugman Blog - "Not many people have a lot of money to throw around these days, so how is the recession affecting ad spending on the super-expensive Super Bowl?
Even after NBC lowered its ad prices, reports the Associated Press, FedEx and General Motors pulled their TV commercials, and Playboy isn’t having its annual Super Bowl party."

Weekend Bookchat « The Opinion Mill

She'll do it. The book ain't doing so well. She'll find a way to say "nigger" and get the book over the top. What a gal.

Weekend Bookchat « The Opinion Mill: "I’m betting it’s only a matter of time before Coulter feels the need to stir things up with some truly deranged utterances. Think she’s going to use the N-bomb on the Obamas? You know it’s there behind those vacant eyes, straining to get out."

Crooks and Liars

What was that again about the Bush Administration keeping us safe? Oh, its not his fault. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS.

Crooks and Liars: "WASHINGTON -- The government said schools and agencies in at least three states were shipped possibly tainted peanut products that have been recalled in a nationwide salmonella outbreak. The products were shipped as part of the federal school meal program.
A spokesman for the Agriculture Department's Food and Nutrition Service said schools, daycare centers and group homes in California, Idaho and Minnesota received roasted peanuts and peanut butter from Georgia-based Peanut Corp. of America. The USDA had said previously that school meal programs were not affected by the large-scale recall.
Stores have already pulled more than 430 kinds of cakes, cookies and other peanut-containing foods from shelves in what the Food and Drug Administration is calling one of the largest product recalls in memory. The outbreak has sickened more than 500 people in the United States. As many as eight deaths may be linked to the outbreak."

Op-Ed Columnist - Herbert Hoover Lives -

I wonder how many times some news reader on Fox bragged about the "52 straight months" without any context at all. The truth is that under the Bush Administration, when you take out housing, they really didn't grow squat. And we all know where housing is now and how many folks are employed in it.

Op-Ed Columnist - Herbert Hoover Lives - "Bush administration kept bragging about (“52 straight months!”) was a mirage inflated by the housing bubble. Job growth — about 2 percent — was in fact the most tepid of any eight-year period “since data collection began seven decades ago.” Gross domestic product grew at a slower pace than in any eight years since the Truman administration."

Obama's Lobbying Rule Won't Change Washington Culture -

This is a Republican bill signed into law by a Republican President and written by the health lobby to their benefit. Free market my ass.

Obama's Lobbying Rule Won't Change Washington Culture - "That's no exaggeration. Lobbyists for the pharmaceutical firms really did write the 2003 bill that created a drug benefit for all Medicare recipients, according to Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.), a participant in the process. The bill was generous to the drug companies. For one, it did not allow the government to negotiate with drug makers over the prices to be charged under the plan, something the Veterans Health Administration routinely does when acquiring drugs. Drug companies' employees and their political action committees (PACs) gave tens of millions to members of Congress for their campaigns; two-thirds of the money from 2000 through 2006 went to Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics."

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Family spat divides televangelism empire - Faith-

Eagles Club... hell I thought that was a private club that did not allow women, blacks, or jews to join in getting shit faced with other white Christian white guys. Ooops, I guess it was.

Family spat divides televangelism empire - Faith- "The church is in financial turmoil: It plans to sell more than $65 million worth of its Orange County property to pay off debt. Revenue dropped by nearly $5 million last year, according to a recent letter from the elder Schuller to elite donors. In the letter, he implored the Eagle's Club members — who supply 30 percent of the church's revenue — for donations and hinted that the show might go off the air without their support."

Colonel Jessup Moment

I'm watching close. I'm not a gambling man but I'm thinking el Rushbo is close to a Colonel Jessup moment. He has come close but the lawyer hasn't quite pissed him off enough yet. It may very well happen within the next two weeks.

Jane Devin: Courting the Jester: The Slippery Right's Love Affair With Limbaugh

Just another way that the Pube machine slimes their followers. Pure unadulterated bullshit is what Rush and the boys peddle, and get paid millions to do it.

Jane Devin: Courting the Jester: The Slippery Right's Love Affair With Limbaugh: "Taking his cue from dogmatic Republicans who can't stop repeating the mantra of corporate tax cuts long enough to address the truth, Limbaugh used his PR opportunity to mislead more Americans than usual. The 35% tax rate is born from a paper figure that has little to do with the reality of what corporations actually pay. At the risk of repeating information that seems to bounce right off the collective conscience of the dittoheads, the fact is that despite the high bracket tax rate on paper, many corporations pay no taxes at all, and those that do pay, don't pay anywhere near 35% after deductions, incentives, and loopholes."

The Washington Monthly

All Hat No Cattle. I first saw it about 5 years ago in an article about the Bush "ranch". He dressed like a cowboy, but all he had was brush and that is what he did, cleared brush. On his "working" ranch, he had no cattle, no sheep, no crops to raise to feed non-existent farm animals. Hell, at least you would expect to find an example of the Republican mascot... a chicken hawk, but noooo! And that is what Andy Card is talking about here, its the suit, according to him that makes you a President not what you actually do.

The Washington Monthly: "Traditionalists may not approve of Obama's easy-going style, but we're a long way from a 'laissez faire locker-room experience.' A frat house it isn't.
The other thing to consider here is exactly how one 'respects' the presidency. For Card and others who served with Bush, it's about choice of clothing. For those who serve with Obama, it's about honoring institutional limits and the rule of law.
Or, put another way, where exactly does a loyal Bushie get off talking about 'respecting' the presidency? Did George W. Bush always wear a coat and tie? Sure. Good for him. But while he was wearing nice clothes and demanding that his staff do the same, he also oversaw a scandal-plagued White House that trashed constitutional norms and routinely ignored the laws that the president twice swore to faithfully execute.
One respects the office by honoring its place in a constitutional system, not by wearing a suit."

Campbell Brown Challenges Rush Limbaugh To Economic Stimulus Debate (VIDEO)

I got money saying Rush Limbaugh don't go on this program and debate anything. The man don't debate. He may masturbate to a photo of Ronald Reagan or Richard Nixon, but he is chicken shit to go on any program and have someone make him attempt to argue his ideas (demagoguery). In fact I got $50.00 to the first 5 folks that respond by midnight tonight, if Rush goes on this show.

Campbell Brown Challenges Rush Limbaugh To Economic Stimulus Debate (VIDEO): "So, ultimately, there are two schools of thought, cut taxes or stimulate the economy another way. Virtually nobody falls into one entirely camp or the other. I, too, would like to pay lower taxes.
But, ultimately, the facts are the facts. But maybe it was worse for a lot of people. Every recession is hard on -- on some people. But we are in a very dire situation right now.
BROWN: All right, Ali Velshi with that perspective tonight. Certainly, I will reiterate my request for Rush Limbaugh to come on.
VELSHI: Absolutely.
BROWN: And we could actually have this as a debate. But, Ali, appreciate it tonight. Thanks, as always."

Head of the Grand Old Party

Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin head of the GOP. I don't think I could be happier. Think I'll have a beer... an imported expensive one.

Gibbs: I Will Not Lie - Political Hotsheet

This a breath of fresh air, he actually wants to do the work of the President not necessarily play "the President".

Gibbs: I Will Not Lie - Political Hotsheet: "Gibbs also discussed the somewhat relaxed style at recent official events, where piano music and not 'Hail to the Chief' could be heard wafting through the White House hallways as the president entered. (Also often missing: The formal announcement “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States.”)

Gibbs chuckled about the elevator-style music. He said he didn't know if the president had asked that musicians not play the presidential march but noted that Mr. Obama 'is not a pomp and circumstance kind of guy.' He said the president 'is much more interested in the substance of the job.'"

GOP govs break with party over stimulus - Politics-

Wait, wait! What the hell is going on here. According to Rush Limbaugh the stimulus package and anything Obama is supposed to fail. Why is the future (according to Rush Limbaugh) of the Republican Party going to Washington to beg for money? What a bunch of jokers.

GOP govs break with party over stimulus - Politics- "The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, scheduled meetings in Washington this weekend with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other senators to press for her state's share of the package."

Media Matters - For four hours after AP correction, Drudge flogged false claim about undocumented immigrants

Drudge is a liar. But then again, so are most of the Pubes. The party with no ideas or ethics.

Media Matters - For four hours after AP correction, Drudge flogged false claim about undocumented immigrants: "Summary: A Drudge Report headline stated 'HILL REPUBLICAN: STIMULUS GIVES CASH TO ILLEGALS' and linked to an AP article that reported that '[t]he $800 billion-plus economic stimulus measure making its way through Congress could steer government checks to illegal immigrants, a top Republican congressional official asserted Thursday.' A revised version of the article made clear that the claim is false, but the Drudge Report did not remove the headline and link to the original version of the article until roughly four hours after the new version was available."

Friday, January 30, 2009

Legum’s New Line » 5 Facts About The New RNC Chairman

Whew, that was close, I was worried they might elect somebody with a little cunning and forsight. This guy is a nut case so we got what we wanted.

Legum’s New Line » 5 Facts About The New RNC Chairman: "Steele defended former Gov. Bob Ehrlich’s decision to hold a $100,000 fundraiser at a country club that did not allow non-white members, saying that the club’s membership’s policies were “not an issue” because “I don’t play golf.”"

Lawyers, Guns and Money

This is what Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove wanted to do to the Democratic Party. Unfortunately it backfired and we have the first African-American President. Good job Rush and Karl!

Lawyers, Guns and Money: "The coach of a Texas high school basketball team that beat another team 100-0 was fired Sunday, the same day he sent an e-mail to a newspaper saying he will not apologize 'for a wide-margin victory when my girls played with honor and integrity.'"

White House Watch - Dan Froomkin's Blog on

And I'm pretty certain we won't see VP Biden telling the opposition, as Little Dick Cheney did, to "go f**k" themselves. On second thought, maybe he should. What a class act he was.

White House Watch - Dan Froomkin's Blog on "'By making very public overtures – traveling to Capitol Hill, inviting Republican members to the White House more than once, including to a cocktail party after Wednesday’s vote – he has already distinguished his administration sharply from those in recent memory, analysts say. And he’s begun work on the difficult task of remaking the highly partisan culture of Washington, as promised in his campaign.'"