Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dana Milbank - Aspiring RNC Chairmen Wonder: What Would Reagan Do? - washingtonpost.com

Here is what his friends are saying. The worst President in American history.

Dana Milbank - Aspiring RNC Chairmen Wonder: What Would Reagan Do? - washingtonpost.com: "'It's not the easiest thing in the world right now to be a Republican,' Steele began, setting off 90 minutes of self-flagellation: 'We are looked at being to some degree a party that is not friendly to minorities. . . . We lost our way. . . . Republicans should've had a little bit more you-know-what. . . . Obama caught us with our pants down. . . . They've bested us. . . . We can no longer afford to talk one way and behave in another.' Norquist invited the candidates to name the biggest mistake of the Bush administration, and the answers tumbled out: The economic bailout. Greater deficits. Mishandling the Iraq war. Hurricane Katrina. Social Security. Immigration."

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