Sunday, December 28, 2008

Op-Ed Guest Columnist - The Pre-Blame Game -

Op-Ed Guest Columnist - The Pre-Blame Game - "Down the road, Iraq may fall back into the chaos of sectarian violence, and if that happens, Bush will wash his hands of it. That’s the premise of a new book, “Unintended Consequences: How War in Iraq Strengthened America’s Enemies,” by Peter W. Galbraith.
“The pretense that the surge is a success and that therefore the United States is winning the Iraq war,” he writes, “is the opening salvo in a coming blame game as to who lost Iraq.”
On the incoming tide, Obama is trying to keep the last eight years at arm’s length. Two wars, two million lost jobs in 2008, the worst unemployment in 15 years, a budget deficit that could reach a trillion dollars — all of that is an inherited burden, Obama says.
But to hear some Republicans tell it, the bad times are Obama’s fault. On the day after the election, Rush Limbaugh said, “The game has begun.” He meant the blame game, and it took less than 24 hours for him to get started.
“We now have the largest market plunge after an election in history,” he said on Nov. 6. “Thank you, man-child Barack Obama.”
His colleague in intellectual dishonesty, “the deeply unsubtle Sean Hannity,” as The Economist called him, picked up the talking points on the “Obama recession”— his words, more than a month ago."

And to think that the people that listen to these two nut jobs (chicken hawks also) believe them.

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