Friday, December 19, 2008

TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | In Private Memo, RNC Chief Concedes That GOP Is Bereft Of Ideas, Vows Change Of Direction

TPM Election Central Talking Points Memo In Private Memo, RNC Chief Concedes That GOP Is Bereft Of Ideas, Vows Change Of Direction: "'Republicans have grown accustomed to having our party recognized as the `Party of Ideas,' but we must acknowledge that many Americans today believe the party is stale and does not deserve that label,' reads one of the memo's starker assessments, adding that 'we have not used our principles to provide solutions to the kitchen table concerns of middle-class America.'"

I think what the RNC Chief needs to acknowledge is that simply because they said they are the party of ideas does not make it so. I don't know how many times I heard Rush state that the Republicans are the party of ideas. What ideas? Tax cut after tax cut, deficit spending, nation building in the middle east, gutting every regulatory office in the federal government (hmmm...what was that guys name, Made-Off), dismissal of science based advice by NOAA and NASA, I could go on and on and on. Simply saying it does not make it so.

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