Tuesday, December 2, 2008

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Rove says ‘marketplace of ideas’ will decide Palin’s fate « - Blogs from CNN.com

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Rove says ‘marketplace of ideas’ will decide Palin’s fate « - Blogs from CNN.com: "But ultimately, Rove said, Republicans need more time to get to know Palin before embracing her as the party's future.
'Remember she was on the stage for nine weeks in the general election — that’s not a lot of time,' he said. 'Now we are going to get to a chance see her over a longer period of time.'"

I thought Rove was all in for Sarah. She was highly qualified and ready to step in as President if, God forbid, McCain was incapacitated. Oh, so now after the election, maybe not so ready. They said anything to win. Period. Anything.

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