Sunday, December 7, 2008

Guest Columnist - Typing Without a Clue - Op-Ed -

Guest Columnist - Typing Without a Clue - Op-Ed - "Here’s Palin’s response, after Matt Lauer asked her when she knew the election was lost:
“I had great faith that, you know, perhaps when that voter entered that voting booth and closed that curtain that what would kick in for them was, perhaps, a bold step that would have to be taken in casting a vote for us, but having to put a lot of faith in that commitment we tried to articulate that we were the true change agent that would progress this nation.”

Would progress this nation. Wtf is she talking about!!! I just love her!! I hope and pray that she maintains that incredible popularity with the Rush Limbaugh crowd. She is THE Republican party. All hat and no cattle, just like the current head of the party.

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